Which generation?
We may refer to them as the ‘young generation’, young not only because of their age but also because of their immature thinking and struggling. Let me try to define this generation:
Any Afghan who currently struggles and thinks about saving Afghanistan and the prosperity and harmony of Afghans, or at least has such hopes for them. Any Afghan (old or young), who has not killed a fellow Afghan, has not been involved in looting and predatory actions in this country. Any Afghan who has not fallen deep into the extreme left or right to the extent that he or she considers that killing innocent Afghans is justifiable or any Afghan who has not had any part in stealing the assets of the government of Afghanistan. Any Afghan who has not undermined the morals and values of this country in order to serve others’ ideologies or any Afghan who has not committed atrocities and caused the destructions of Afghanistan just so to make his/her foreign backers happy. Any Afghan who does not sacrifice the interests of Afghanistan for his/her own personal or sectarian’s interests.
This Afghan human being is included in ‘this generation’ which fortunately makes the majority in Afghanistan. My words refer to this ideal generation. I call it the ‘young generation’ and I repeat once again that by ‘young’, I do not mean young in age but innocent individuals with clean conscience.
This generation must not pay the price for the past mistakes which were the result of political games. Nowadays, if a young man/woman is killed, deprived of humane living conditions, without access to school, college or fair work conditions, withheld from leading a healthy business, kept back from a place to live and suffering from psychological disorders, these are all due to the consequences of the past and present unhealthy politics. Has this generation ever asked itself; “Why are the culprits of current atrocities still holding power and ruling over the ‘young generation’? Why are they still abusing this generation and stripping it its assets? One of the reasons is that we are unnecessarily lost in our past and we tend to forget about today and the future.
The Problem
We are still fighting over history; we are still wasting our valuable time defending or condemning those faces that are part of history and so unable to do anything useful for our present and future.
At gatherings, political discussions, press conferences, on Afghan websites and during meetings, I witness that instead of discussing our destiny and thinking the way forward, the ‘young generation’ engages in supporting or decrying those figures that cannot make a positive contribution for this generation. One considers a politician clean and respectable while others see him as a warlord, a criminal and a traitor. Similarly, some stand up in support of one side while others denounce them. This is how this generation wastes its energy and valuable time to the extent that quit often their arguments lead to hostilities. Some try hard to find evidence for their claims and force others to accept their counterarguments whereas they never question the benefits and advantages of problematic discussions which sometimes even turn violent. Will such unhealthy rivalry lead to a constructive change in their lives? One of the negative consequences of Afghanistan’s wars and crisis is that our ‘young generation’ has been coerced into getting involved in discussions of history. I do not encourage the ‘young generation’ to take revenge for the past generation but I just ask them to forget about the past. I do not deny the fact that we should learn from the past and historical experiences but I do not want anyone to lose himself or herself, getting lost and vanishing in history. The ‘young generation’ should study history in as far as it helps them learn from the wrongdoings of the past in order to prevent similar mistakes from occurring again and renew and develop the positive experiences of history.
When I mention history, I don not imply a history that is centuries old. Yesterday is a part of history, the last thirty years are also part of a history that apart from some exceptions does not have any significant value. One of the exceptions is that lessons from our near past should be taught to widen our understanding and experiences beyond this part of history which had made us neither independent nor rich. Millions of us were killed yet we are still poor and hungry, still under others’ influence, deprived and helpless.
If two young Afghans smash each other’s head in support or opposition to this or that Khan, Ustad, leader, commander or any other disputed figure while these powerful figures are not even aware of the “sacrifices” made by their “supporters”, how will this contribute to the betterment of the ‘young generation’?
The ‘young generation’ (the innocent generation) pays for the mistakes and the crimes of the past by taking part in problematic arguments. Unfortunately, paying this price is extremely expensive and has almost caused a vicious cycle. On the one hand, the loss has deprived this generation from everything and has resulted in their being abandoned in a dry desert with nothing in hand. On the other hand, this loss has caused the generation to become involved in a psychological war, a war from which this generation has not been able to rescue itself. This loss has not only stolen everything from this generation but has made this generation get lost in search for clearing or accusing controversial figures while losing its ability to work for a brighter future. This is indeed the biggest loss. Guilty politicians have turned the young generation into their defenders, clearing the politicians’ reputation. On the one hand, these politicians abuse the innocence of the ‘young generation’ to hide their crimes. On the other hand, they try to deter progress of the ‘young generation’ because if the ‘young generation’ tries to progress, the guilty politicians can no longer show their true faces to people. They want the people to thank them for being worse than worst.
Everything has ended!
We need a new beginning!
The incidences and events of the past are just lessons for us. We need to renew and develop the best lessons and bury the worst ones in the graveyard of history. Beyond this, we should separate our relationship with our near past. A new Afghanistan cannot be built by the elements that have already been tested. The Afghanistan of today and tomorrow will be built only by this young thinking, young acting and innocent generation. This generation should devote time to building this country.
The solution is that the ‘young generation’ must no longer pay the price of the crimes, mistakes, wars and betrayals of the past. The politics of the past were imposed on us so that some figures could come to power, becoming fat and rich. We no longer want to burn in the fires created by the perpetrators of old politics. We should no longer make ourselves tired and exhausted in praising or condemning them. This generation can only afford to spend its time, stamina and knowledge to build its today and future and forget its bitter past.
Today, if we are hungry, ignored, isolated, deprived, have nothing, far away from education and development, unfortunate, taken hostage, and have no leaders - doesn’t this mean that we have nothing from our near past to be proud of?
Shouldn’t we feel ashamed of our past, at least the nearer past? Aren’t the players of the past guilty of the current atrocities and problems? Therefore, if we do not forget the past and do not move forward and do not roll up our sleeves to get out of these crises, wont the generations of tomorrow blame us the same way we blame the previous generations? And god forbid, wont they consider us accountable for all deprivations caused?
A major part of national awareness is to turn the attention of the ‘young generation’ to the future. Do not look back, look forward for the present and the future or else our heads will eventually hit the stone.
The guilty political players of the past cannot help you. They just want to use you to present them as clean and innocent and that is it. They want to hide themselves behind your innocence and carry their stolen assets on your shoulders. Throw them away, wake up and brighten your fellow citizens up and search new ways for a prosperous Afghanistan.
Pay attention
Some names may appear big and important, but you are more powerful than them. You have a cleaner conscience than them and you are more trustworthy in society than them. You can do it. You can find solutions for the crisis of trust and believe that they have caused.
These words are not mere slogans. They are a call for awakening and for creating awareness of national movement. Start everything from the beginning and do not pay the price for the mistakes of the past any longer! It is not worth wasting our time in justifying or condemning crimes, sins and so-called prides of the past. Do not cause pain and agony to each other for the sake of the past because you are innocent. Do not get involved in sectarian differences; these cannot offer anything to you but will take everything away from you. Do not follow “colours”; make a white and clean future. This is the way for awakening and brightness.
English translation: Fazel Fazly
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Malak-ul-Maluk, an alternative for the current MPs?
If cardboard and paper were edible, the poor of Kabul city could live on the posters and billboards of the parliamentary candidates of 2010 for almost a month. Most of those who voted would agree with me that it wasn’t the posters that influenced their decision to vote. Then why such a huge waste of money? And the cluttering of our own cities? I would argue the fault lies in the system itself.

Democratic institutions have to happen naturally and evolve organically for them to be effective and representative, which is not the case with the Afghan parliamentary system. It has been forced from the beginning, and after a 9 year trial period, clearly isn’t working. In the last parliament, only a handful of the MP’s ever visited their constituencies. For the majority it wasn’t possible as they feared for their lives. This lead to the alienation of the public, especially those in the rural areas, because their voices could not be reached.
The recent parliamentary elections of 2010 were a prime example of the collective failures of the past 9 years of the experiment in Western-style democracy that this country has become. There were 17.5 million eligible voters though only 4 million showed up to vote, most of them the urban population in cities. That is only 23% percent of the eligible voters leaving 77% behind– meaning further alienating them from the current Afghan government. It clearly isn’t working as it is supposed to. It is too forced and doesn’t connect well with the fibres of rural Afghan society.
The alienation of rural Afghans could have been stopped the first time if the parliament was actually a representation of the people. Voting should lead to representation of the people, not just be undertaken as part of the democratic machine. If one part of the machine doesn’t work -- in this case, the voting process and fair representation of the people, then the entire machine is broken!
The 2010 elections saw a huge number of candidates – 2,500 for 249 seats. The extravagant amount of money spent on the campaigns by corrupt candidates made the honest ones disappear as if they never existed. In addition to the money spent by the candidates, it cost the government 150 million USD which the international community paid for. What did we get by the end of it? We got a non-representative parliament full of warlords and the facilitators of corruption. The country is not able to sustain this type of false representation, and for what? It doesn’t even work!
Perhaps a better alternative would be to limit the current elections system to the cities and instead adapt the local system of malaks (informally elected village chieftains) in the rural areas into a formalized process that would result in more actual popular representations. Here’s how it would work: Each village would elect their malak, and the village malaks would collectively form a district body. The malaks of the district would then elect a malak-ul-maluk (chief of the chieftains) from amongst themselves to represent the district as a whole in the parliament. This way the MPs would really be from amongst the people, and would be connected to their constituencies; thus, serving as a direct link back to their constituencies throughout the provinces. Some districts can be coupled together based on their population and geographic size to meet the target of 249 seats in the parliament. The mix of the two systems could produce the best form of representative parliament, one that is from amongst the people, affordable and sustainable for the country, and one that would ensure effective outreach for the government. A real, representative democratic machine, home-grown in Afghanistan.

Democratic institutions have to happen naturally and evolve organically for them to be effective and representative, which is not the case with the Afghan parliamentary system. It has been forced from the beginning, and after a 9 year trial period, clearly isn’t working. In the last parliament, only a handful of the MP’s ever visited their constituencies. For the majority it wasn’t possible as they feared for their lives. This lead to the alienation of the public, especially those in the rural areas, because their voices could not be reached.
The recent parliamentary elections of 2010 were a prime example of the collective failures of the past 9 years of the experiment in Western-style democracy that this country has become. There were 17.5 million eligible voters though only 4 million showed up to vote, most of them the urban population in cities. That is only 23% percent of the eligible voters leaving 77% behind– meaning further alienating them from the current Afghan government. It clearly isn’t working as it is supposed to. It is too forced and doesn’t connect well with the fibres of rural Afghan society.
The alienation of rural Afghans could have been stopped the first time if the parliament was actually a representation of the people. Voting should lead to representation of the people, not just be undertaken as part of the democratic machine. If one part of the machine doesn’t work -- in this case, the voting process and fair representation of the people, then the entire machine is broken!
The 2010 elections saw a huge number of candidates – 2,500 for 249 seats. The extravagant amount of money spent on the campaigns by corrupt candidates made the honest ones disappear as if they never existed. In addition to the money spent by the candidates, it cost the government 150 million USD which the international community paid for. What did we get by the end of it? We got a non-representative parliament full of warlords and the facilitators of corruption. The country is not able to sustain this type of false representation, and for what? It doesn’t even work!
Perhaps a better alternative would be to limit the current elections system to the cities and instead adapt the local system of malaks (informally elected village chieftains) in the rural areas into a formalized process that would result in more actual popular representations. Here’s how it would work: Each village would elect their malak, and the village malaks would collectively form a district body. The malaks of the district would then elect a malak-ul-maluk (chief of the chieftains) from amongst themselves to represent the district as a whole in the parliament. This way the MPs would really be from amongst the people, and would be connected to their constituencies; thus, serving as a direct link back to their constituencies throughout the provinces. Some districts can be coupled together based on their population and geographic size to meet the target of 249 seats in the parliament. The mix of the two systems could produce the best form of representative parliament, one that is from amongst the people, affordable and sustainable for the country, and one that would ensure effective outreach for the government. A real, representative democratic machine, home-grown in Afghanistan.
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